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What We Need to Pray About – December 6, 2024

Alternative Sources of News

A major premise of the 714 Prayer Report is that most Americans are largely uninformed. They look to Mainstream Media1 as their sole source for news, if they look to any source at all. These mainstream news outlets, however, leave viewers and readers uninformed because of the news they refuse to cover, and grossly misinformed about the news they do cover. They all march in lock step together, not to inform the public of the truth, but to present false narratives that support the far-left Marxist agenda in America, including the cultural deconstructionist agenda of the Marxist Democrat Party.

Sadly, many conservative Christians remain uninformed, as well. Some are ignorant in the truest sense of the word – they simply ignore current events in the nation and the world2. Others think they are well-informed because they religiously watch the Fox News Channel (FNC) or get their news from one of the other conservative outlets3. While FNC and some of these others are far superior to the mainstream outlets, they too, because of corporate influences, sometimes fail to shine a bright light on topics that should be of highest priority in their coverage.

In this week’s Prayer Report, we want to give you a glaring example of a story that is being relatively ignored in spite of its earth-shaking significance. We also want to highlight for you an alternative news source that is practicing journalism the way it should be.

Highest Priority News

Truly, the biggest story in the world at this moment is what is unfolding in the Ukraine-Russia war. It is a far more important story than which Trump cabinet appointments will be confirmed. As we await Trump’s inauguration next month, and with it the hope of a negotiated end to this extremely dangerous war, the Biden administration seems intent on escalating the conflict and leaving the new administration in a difficult spot when it takes over. For the first time in the war, permission was given by the Biden Administration for Ukraine to use American made long-range missiles that can strike deep within Russian territory. These highly accurate missiles can only be operated by trained U.S. or NATO military personnel. Vladimir Putin had previously warned that any use of these long-range missiles would cross a threshold that could prompt Russia to retaliate with a nuclear response. Two weeks ago, Ukraine recklessly employed those missiles striking a Russian military target deep inside Russia killing Russian soldiers. Russia retaliated with a new grade of hypersonic intermediate range missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. It is a missile for which there is no missile defense technology. The missile they retaliated with did not deliver a nuclear warhead, of course, or the whole world would know about it by now. The conventional warhead, however, caused great structural and lethal damage in Ukraine and served as a warning for what could happen. Considering the potentially catastrophic level of these recent events, there has been very little coverage in any of the media.

The Tucker Carlson Network

One alternative news source has gone to great lengths to cover this all-important story. Within the last few days, the Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) travelled to Moscow again4, this time to interview Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov. You can get a sense of the urgency of this story as you watch the promo recorded by Tucker shortly after the Lavrov interview was concluded.

In the interview, Lavrov confirmed to Tucker that Russian leaders are concerned the Biden Administration is risking global war and nuclear confrontation. He termed the current situation “dangerous”, and said he hopes the U.S. gets the “serious” message intended by the hypersonic missile strike. The entire interview lasts about an hour and twenty minutes. It is highly recommended viewing for anyone interested in understanding what is really going on in our world in this dangerous moment.

Tucker Carlson and his outstanding team of producers go after the stories that really matter in the world and in our nation. They fearlessly expose the lies of the Marxist Media and the Marxist Democrat Party on a daily basis5. Most people mistakenly think the war in Ukraine was and is necessary. But it could have been easily avoided and could be easily concluded with just a little reasonableness by all parties. Tucker Carlson and TCN have worked to expose the American Military Industrial Complex and those in power who support it and the endless foreign wars it promotes for enormous financial profit. It is an evil all about money (1 Timothy 6:10), and lot of people have been bought and paid for. A lot of people have also been deceived by the media into supporting these wars. To see the good work done by Tucker and TCN on this and other stories, and to subscribe, go to

1 The Mainstream Media is Marxist in its orientation and includes the major broadcast networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, as well as the cable networks like CNN and MSNBC. It also includes print media like The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Time Magazine and Newsweek Magazine, etc. The 714 Prayer Report often refers to all of these collectively as the Marxist Media, because Cultural Marxism is their orientation and they promote a Marxist agenda.
2 These Christians, to their shame, are like the proverbial ostrich with his head in the sand. They are not alert to impending evil and consequently don’t have a clue what they need to be praying about or doing. This kind of ignorance is sinful.
3Newsmax, OAN, Blaze Media, The Daily Wire and The Daily Signal are examples of other conservative media outlets.
4 TCN was in Moscow earlier this year to interview Vladimir Putin – an interview highly criticized by the Marxist Media.
5 TCN publishes a news briefing for subscribers every weekday morning called “Morning Note”. It comes straight to your inbox. It has links to the original news sources and gives you outstanding perspective on the true nature of current events.

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